I sure do! Mine died last week!! And I should probably buy (or win) one REALLY soon so I can vaccuum! Would you like to win a fabulous Dyson vacuum? If so, click on the link below to enter the contest Five Minutes For Mom is having.

I sure do! Mine died last week!! And I should probably buy (or win) one REALLY soon so I can vaccuum! Would you like to win a fabulous Dyson vacuum? If so, click on the link below to enter the contest Five Minutes For Mom is having.
Posted by Andrea at 10:23 AM 2 Visitors
Posted by Andrea at 6:28 PM 4 Visitors
The Girl Scouts Bridging/Awards Ceremony was held on a VERY windy (but sunny) day in early May at the Redlin Art Center. It was very fitting for the girls bridging from one level to the next to cross a bridge to mark the occasion. Hayley is no longer a Junior Girl Scout. She is now a Cadette Girl Scout! Her vest is now tan instead of that ugly green! This also marked her fifth year in Girl Scouts and she was awarded with a special pin. Hayley's troop was in charge of the flag ceremony and holding onto those flags in that wind was no easy task! Each girl that bridged also received a pine tree seedling. I'm not real fond of pine trees but have decided to make a conscious effort to keep it alive. Since we will be moving (hopefully) soon, we decided to plant it in a big flower pot so we can take it with us. So far it's still alive!
Posted by Andrea at 4:51 PM 3 Visitors