Last week was very crazy! It was homecoming week and I had two organizations in the parade - Hayley's Girl Scout troop (which I'm the leader) and PBL, a college business club (which I'm the president). I had two tests last week. I was supposed to have four but two of them ended up being yesterday (Monday). Hayley and I had a Girl Scout meeting on Tuesday. Friday night we had to decorate the PBL float for the parade. I received very little help so Dean and the kids had to help, A LOT. Thanks guys!! Saturday morning was the parade. After the parade, I had lunch with some friends, two who graduated last May. It was great to see them! I didn't get to spend very much time with them because we had to go to H2O to get haircuts and visit family. I finally decided to do something drastic, with a little prodding from Dean. I chopped off 8 inches!!! It was a shock but I'm slowly getting used to it. Hayley wants to get hers chopped now. We'll see if she actually follows through at the next haircut. I can't really tell if people like it or not because they don't even say anything about it. My goodness - 8 inches are gone!! Anyways, Dean and Hayley say it looks really good so I'll just have to believe them. Also, my mother-in-law said I look more professional and that's what I was going for as I will be out job hunting next year!
I had two tests and two meetings yesterday. The new school had an open house last night so we went to check it out. It looks really nice. But it's really big and confusing. After walking in many circles I'm not so sure I could have found my way out!! Hopefully the kids won't get lost! Today I have three meetings! After today, I should have a fairly relaxing week - which I really need!