Saturday, Jenn, a friend of mine, hosted a jewelry party in WL so another friend, Ellie, and I went there. I didn't plan to buy anything because I really don't wear a lot of jewelry but I couldn't resist. I got two bracelets and a necklace for myself and some Christmas gifts for Hayley. Shhh, don't tell her! After the party, we went out for supper and some drinks. It was such a fun time! We've already scheduled our next get-together - Wings next month. Can't wait!

Sunday Hayley and I had the Girl Scout Investiture/Rededication Ceremony. It's a family event so Dean and Tanner got to go, too. Hayley officially bridged from Brownie Girl Scouts to Junior Girl Scouts. Along with a new title, they wear green vests instead of brown sashes. Pretty exciting!

Sunday Hayley and I had the Girl Scout Investiture/Rededication Ceremony. It's a family event so Dean and Tanner got to go, too. Hayley officially bridged from Brownie Girl Scouts to Junior Girl Scouts. Along with a new title, they wear green vests instead of brown sashes. Pretty exciting!

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