Friday the kids dyed Easter Eggs! It was a lot of fun! I always look forward to this. The kit came with eyes and mouths so the kids had fun making their Easter Egg Family.
Hayley received a call that she won 2nd place in the Easter Bunny Coloring Contest. So Friday she went to pick up her prize. She was so proud! It's hard to see but in the bottom right hand corner she wrote "Look on Back". Well, when you turn it over it says, "You are the Best Econofoods". What a little brown noser!! I didn't know she wrote that on there until after she won!

Hayley with all her loot!
Saturday we went to my dad's in my hometown. I hadn't been back in two years!! Two of my three sisters were able to make it. My grandma and grandpa were also there. I forgot to get pictures of all the kids playing because my one sister has three kids and the kids love getting together. There were five kids between 1st grade - 5th grade running around the house!!

My Dad and I

Hayley, Me, Dad, and Tanner

Hayley, Dean, Me, and Tanner

Me and my sisters, Kelly & Jodi
(It took MANY photos to get this one - seriously we have like 20 goofy pictures!)
Sunday I cooked for my inlaws. My husband's parents and his sister with her husband and four kids came over. All the food turned out great and everyone got a lot to eat. I was able to feed them twice - lunch and supper - and we still have lots of leftovers. I get a little carried away when I cook, I never want to have too little!

The guys relaxing and watching TV - Corey, Grandpa George, Dean, & Tyler
Little Rylea entertained us with her singing and dancing. It was so funny! I finally had to get the video camera out because she can really shake those little hips!!

Rylea belting it out!

Rylea singing pretty!
Then being Dean's nephew's birthday is today, we celebrated it yesterday being everyone was already together. It was his 17th birthday.

Doesn't he look thrilled?!

I lit all those candles and by the time I got my camera out, he blew them all out!!
All that work for nothing!

Rylea, Grandma Colleen, Hayley, & Kasey
Tanner, Corey, and Tyler
Today, the kids and I are just going to take it easy! It felt GREAT to stay in bed until almost 9 and we'll probably stay in our jammies until noon! That drives Dean crazy but we don't care!
4 Visitors:
What GREAT pictures!! Love the family picture of you all...
Looks like you had a great Easter! So when do the children start sleeping in until 9am?!??!
Maybe when they're teenagers???
Ours have ALWAYS been early risers regardless of what time they go to bed. We finally bought clocks when they were about 5 & told them they couldn't get out of bed until the 1st # was a 6, then we eventually changed it to a 7. So they quietly (most of the time) get up at 7 or shortly after and watch TV or play until we/I get up.
Looks like a fantastic Easter. I LOVE those eggs! We tried to do some Sunday afternoon. Alex lost interest and played with his toys instead. Oh well.
HA - way to work the system Hayley! I loved her message on the back of her contest entry. It totally sounds like something I would do...maybe even add a picture of myself knitting blackets for the homeless or something. CUTE PICTURES
OH - in regards to your graduation party....THROW YOURSELF THE BASH OF THE YEAR!!! You deserve it!
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