Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lia Sophia Party

On Friday the 13th, I hosted my Lia Sophia Jewelry Party. Although I didn't have the turn out I was hoping for, it was still a GREAT time. I served munchies, margaritas, and pina coladas. YUM-O!! I had received a couple orders before the party, I still have to collect some orders, and three people were able to make it to my party. So really not too bad overall but I just wish more people would have been able to come to the party. Summer is just too busy for people! Now I have to narrow down my selections or I'd be ordering half the magazine because I think the jewelry is AWESOME! I can't wait to get my jewelry!

We decided to do most of our landscaping ourselves. We had got a couple bids and decided we really didn't want to spend that much money (although we had the money set aside from the sale of our house in M this past January). It's really hard to spend money when you've been holding onto it for so long! So we're going to save ourselves some money and do the landscaping ourselves. Heck, it migh even put us into shape!! Yahoo!! That would be a GREAT bonus!! We just purchased the edging stones. Dean will be renting a bobcat this week and leveling the yard. Then the irrigation guy will come install the sprinkler system (possibly even this week he said) and then we can finally get started. Boy, I can't wait to have a YARD! I'm having a tough time finding the tan rock I want, though. I didn't find it at Menards. I know it's out there somewhere because I've seen it at other houses darn it!! When the yard is done, I say a MARGARITA & PINA COLADA PARTY on the deck!!

4 Visitors:

Amanda said...

My wish list for my Lia Sophia party came to $1500! Yikes!

And what's dean doing renting a bobcat? lol

Just Mom said...

I missed both Amanda's party (my mom was here) and yours (dropping mom at the airport). One of these days I'll go again. Meanwhile, I'm loving the stuff I bought at Julie's party.

BTW, I don't know the first thing about landscaping (neither does hubby). We need to do something at our house. How much money are you talking if we hired someone? E-mail me when you get a chance.

Tracy said...

Sorry you didn't have a huge turn out for your party. We left for Arizona the next day. I am having mine in August if you are's a good reason to come back here and visit all your friends!

Andrea said...

Amanda - Yeah, my wish list price tag is probably that high, too. Btw, I call all skid steers bobcats. I don't know which brand he is actually renting! :)

Aisha - I don't close my party until Wednesday evening! You could view the catalog online and still place an order with me.....

Tracy - When in August? I just might come because it will be the new catalog then....