Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hayley is Stylin'

Shortly before Christmas Hayley mentioned that she wasn't seeing as clearly as she used to. So we did what any good parents would do, we took her to the eye doctor and sure enough - she needs glasses. She only needs a very slight correction but it makes her see better.

At first she thought she'd be getting contacts. Then I had to burst her bubble. There is NO WAY she is responsible enough for contacts. I told her maybe in another year or two she may be ready but she's definitely not ready now.

So her back-up plan was to find a pair of pink glasses. Although there were many pairs of pink glasses we just couldn't find the "right" pair. So then I found a purple pair. She put them on and we both said, these are "it". So here's the result! (The frames are Adi*das in a medium purple color on the arms and tops of the while the bottom of the lenses are rimless.)

2 Visitors:

Just Mom said...

Love the glasses. She looks beautiful.

Jamie said...

She looks really good in those glases!!