That literally shocks me every time I say it!!! Where did the time go??? Seriously!!!
My little boy turned 13 yesterday!!! We celebrated with family yesterday. After cake and ice cream, we were going to go bowling but no one (except for us four) wanted to go and we all ended up chatting too long. The bowling alley had very short open bowling hours yesterday due to a tournament and it being Sunday. So the four of us will go bowling this week or weekend.
For the invitation, I created a teenage announcement - a play on a birth announcement - to announce the arrival my teenager. Hey, I thought it was pretty creative! :) (I put the white line across his middle and last name - don't want to give out too much info online!)
It's kinda hard to read. It says:
It's been an awesome 13 years!!
You've grown into a fine, young man!
5 Visitors:
Happy Birthday Tanner!!
I can't imagine having a teenager in the house.....I guess if sometimes feels like we do!!
Cool Announcement!!
Cute announcement idea!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TANNER!!! I hope you had a great day...even though you didn't go bowling!
Oh how I wish I could go back to my oldest turning 13. My baby will be 20 in a week. I know, I'm your old internet friend :)
Your children are so beautiful and I hope Tanner had a great day and that great things are in store for him during his teenage years. They were great years for our girls (minus the last 2 with my youngest...ahhh!)
Wow! A teenager!
A belated Happy Birthday to Tanner.
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