Friday we went to H2O for the weekend. Dean and I had a wedding to go to on Saturday so Grandma & Grandpa babysat the kids. My friend from college, Jenn, got married. The wedding was very nice as was the reception and dance. However, the church was not air conditioned so just about everyone came out of there soaking wet! The reception and dance were held at her parents' farm. They served a great meal. Plus there was an open bar! AWESOME!! Can't complain about free alcohol!! The band was great and there was a lot of dancing. Dean even got out there to dance a few and not just the slow ones. A couple fast ones, too! The bridesmaid dresses were a chocolate brown and the flowers were white with a splash of pink. Very pretty! We left the wedding about 1 am and got home about 2 am. Very long day! Wish I could have slept in but Dean had to get up for a golf tournament in M. The kids and I took our time, though, and came home later in the afternoon. Needless to say, it was early to bed Sunday night. Here's a picture of Dean and I.

Here's a picture of me with some of my friends. It was so great to see all my friends from college. I had a great time!!

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