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Sunday was the last day of our vacation. Being we did Sunday's itinerary on Thursday, we had to come up with an attraction or two because we didn't want to leave for home yet. We decided on the Black Hills Caverns. There were two different tours, the 30 minute Crystal Tour or the 60 minute Adventure Tour. We decided to do the 60 minute tour. As I get up to the door, I see a sign that says tennis shoes are required. So we all head back to the vehicle and switch our shoes. As we're waiting for the tour to begin, I see that there are warnings that our tour is a strenuous tour and I was starting to have second thoughts. Could I make it? Could the kids make it? Anyways, on with the tour. Our guide definitely moved fast. By the time we got done with our tour, we were huffing and puffing and sweating. And the cave was 48 degrees! Twice the guide abandoned us in the cave to either go get someone that was joining our tour late or to lead the 30 minute tour group out before she could continue on with our tour. That was a little scary to be abandoned in a cave and you have no idea which way is out and it was fairly dark.
Then we stopped to have a picnic lunch at a park and just made it into our vehicle when it started to sprinkle. As we're filling up with gas, the radio announces a severe thunderstorm with nickel size hail coming so we high-tail it out of there. They said the storm was pretty much stationary over the Rapid City area which made us happy because we wanted to stop in Wall Drug. When we arrived in Wall Drug, it was hot and sunny. After an hour, the sky was becoming dark blue. The storm was coming so we high-tailed it out of there. Wish we could have spent more time there, though. Hayley got her first Black Hills Gold and silver ring. She's pretty happy about that.
We finally got home about 9 pm. We were all very tired and glad to be home! :)
2 Visitors:
Sounds like you guys had a blast! I want to do all that fun stuff now! I've never been to a lot of those places!
We sure did! We want to go back!
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