My sister is giving me a hard time because I haven’t updated our blog in quite awhile. So here it goes. I’ll give you a run down of what’s happened since we’ve been back from vacation.

Hayley & I had a Girl Scouts fun night for our troop. We had pizza at Pizza Ranch, made bracelets, and decorated flip flops with fuzzy yarn. The bracelets and flip flops turned out really cute. I want to make flip flops for me!
The kids and I started school last week. We were all dreading it, me the most. We really enjoy our summers off. I have 8:00 class three days a week. That is really starting to take a toll on me. Thank goodness the class is only 5 weeks long!! I can’t wait to graduate in May. Until then, it’s homework, homework, homework! YUCK!!! I think the kids are finally enjoying school, at least liking that they get to see their friends everyday.
Last Friday I went to a bachelorette party for a friend of mine that graduated last May. She’s getting married later this month. I had a good time at the party but didn’t stay long as it was raining buckets, I was tired, and I was with a friend that had a much longer drive home than I did. We played many fun games. We had to carve a body part out of cucumbers and squash. Use your imagination to figure out what most of us did!
Sunday and Monday we spent in H2O with Dean’s family. I got to spend time with a very special little girl, our niece, Rylea. She’s 2 ½ and a little ham. Although, she’s really starting to find her personality and becoming demanding. But what 2 year old isn’t?? I took about 20 pictures of her and her and I. She had that same big “cheesy” smile in each picture. She sure does love to have her picture taken!

What a ham!!
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