Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hi, My Name is Andrea and I'm a Purse-Aholic

There I said it. However, I don't think I'm ready to ask for help yet. I'm enjoying it way too much! My husband is not, especially since I'm not working and have not been since I've started this hobby, this passion of mine.

My funky hobby started with socks. I like to wear socks that have fun designs on them. At last count, which was sometime last year, I had 100+ pairs of socks!! My husband is not fond of this hobby neither. Does a person really need over 100 pairs of socks?? Obviously, I do. Now what's really weird is that when I get a hole in them, which I do often because I'm always in heels and walk hard and fast, I can't bring myself to throw them away. So I've got this big bag overflowing of useless socks. I thought maybe me or someone could make me a quilt/blanket of some sort with them. It'd be really cool!!

Anyways, back to my purse obsession. I went to my first purse party two years ago. Ever since thenm, I've been hooked. Don't get me wrong. I had a purse obsession before that but it wasn't nearly as bad. I generally only use a purse for 3-4 months before I'm ready for change. I actually used to buy just plain black and brown ones. I know, for people that know me now, it's hard to believe. Now, I want everything but brown and black. The crazier the better. And these I don't get rid of. These cool ones I will re-use. Now I switch purses monthly.

On Sunday The Purse Lady from SF was in town. So I went to check out her show. I bought two there. I liked them but I wasn't totally in love with them like I am with some of my others. The Purse Lady seems to carry a little bit "safer" purses than I like. Then my very good friend Julie emailed me yesterday to tell me that Fun Bags, a purse store, was opening in H2O this week. The only information she had was that they were in a strip mall by a hair salon. Do you know how many strip malls with hair salons there are in H2O??? Way more than I thought. So I've been driving around looking for this place when my sister calls and tells me where it's at; she heard an announcement on the radio. It's off the beaten path. I probably never would have found it. But anyways, I went there this afternoon and bought two more purses. Please don't tell my husband. This store is AWESOME!!! I can't wait to go back. But that will have to wait awhile as I now have 6 purses in my closet that I have not used yet and my friend Jennifer is having a purse party in May and I'm going to HAVE to buy purses there. So anyways, here's my collection, so far ... as I have no plans of stopping anytime in the near or late future, and where I store them. I may have to get rid of some clothes so I can make room for more purses.

6 Visitors:

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Oh I love it! I am 100% the same. I used to use a brown bag, and hey a great brown bag still has it's place, but now I love my new colorful one. There are about 8 on your bed that I WANT!!!

Where is the purse store? We're coming through Watertown Sunday...

Andrea said...

It's on the east side of the outdoor pool in a little strip mall behind the small car dealership. Does that make sense? Although I don't know if they are open on Sunday. You'll just love it.

Julie said...

You crack me up! Although, I have about that many too and I'm also an addict!

Amber said...

Oh man, you don't want me to display all of my purses...I would be embarrassed. Ever since I've started working for The Purse Lady I've gone OC!

Lori said...

I love all your purses? Where did you get them all? Purse parties or stores?

Andrea said...

Purse parties. And there's a new store that just opened, Fun Bags.