Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Cakes

Julie and Amber have shared their cakes they've decorated over the years so I thought I'd share mine. I started decorating cakes for the kids when Tanner was 2 and Hayley was 1 (1997). I did it until I moved from H2O to F in 2001. I have many excuses why I didn't do it the past few years yet I really enjoyed decorating cakes. So after digging out the photos I made a pledge - I will start decorating cakes again this year!! I can't wait and the kids are very excited about it. I've felt very guilty not doing it all these years - I can't wait until October! I'm so excited about it that all four of us may get cakes this year for our birthdays...not very good being all four of our birthdays are in October...within two weeks!! We'll get fat! Anyways, here's the photos. I hope you enjoy!
1997 - Winne The Pooh
Tanner - 2, Hayley - 1

Their individual Pooh cakes

1998 - Reptar from Rugrats
My Family's Party

Tanner - 3, Hayley - 2

1998 - Elmo
Dean's Family's Party

Tanner - 3, Hayley - 2

1999 - Scooby
Relatives' Party
Tanner - 4

1999 - Scooby
Tanner's Friends' Party
Tanner - 4

1999 - Barbie
Relatives' Party

Hayley - 3

1999 - Barbie
Dean's Niece's Birthday Cake

2000 - Thomas the Tank Engine
Relatives' Party

Tanner - 5

2000 - Pikachu (Pokemon) Cupcakes
Friends' Party
Tanner - 5

2000 - Blue's Clue's Paw Print
Friends' Party
Hayley - 4

2000 - Blue's Clues Friend, Magenta
Relatives' Party
Hayley - 4

They are only 12 1/2 months apart (their birthdays are only 11 days apart). For Hayley's 1st birthday, Tanner's 2nd, I made only one big cake and they each got their own individual cake. Then afterwards I decided I should treat them as individuals, not "twins" so I started making them each their own cake and then would usually have one party with Dean's side of the family and one with my side of the family. Occasionally the families were together and occasionally they got to have parties with friends. So that was a lot of cakes in a relatively short period of time. I can't wait to get started again soon!

6 Visitors:

Just Mom said...

These are fantastic! You guys should start a catering business to help very untalented moms like me.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

such talent

Lori said...

Wow! You are talented. Those cakes all look great!!

Kerrie said...

Those look great! I love that picture of your kids with the dark shirts on and the wood background. They are so cute!

Julie said...

GOOD JOB ANDERA!!! You can join our cake business that I guess were starting up. Ha!

Oh...Tanner and Hayley are sooo little! Too cute!

Andrea said...

Kerrie - Thanks! I love that picture, too. It was 2005's Christmas photo. When I ordered the pictures I put a black border on them so they looked really nice and professional. Gotta love Shutterfly.