Hayley's all dressed up and ready to party!My sisters Shar and Jodi came to town to go out for St Patrick's Day. My sister Kelly who lives here in town was also supposed to go out with us and then decided not to. Oh well, her loss. Jodi brought her live in boyfriend, TJ, and then, of course, my husband, Dean, came so there were 5 of us. It's been a LONG time since we've paid a babysitter and gone out. The babysitter happens to be Dean's nephew's girlfriend and lives across the street from us. How convenient!!
Anyways, we started at an Irish pub, well, because it was St Patrick's Day and it seemed fitting. Evidently everyone else thought so too as it was packed. It was standing room only for awhile. We found three chairs at one table so Jodi and I sat on our guys' laps. I had one drink and a jello shot (yummy) and I was already feeling GOOD, if you know what I mean. Dean was not impressed. My sisters thought I was just fine but Dean thought I was obnoxious. We then went out for supper. Shar, who will be turning 24 this month, has never gambled and she really wanted to go to the casino. Jodi and I didn't but we said she and the guys got 1 hour to gamble and then we're heading back to town. Shar spent $14 and lost it all. Dean came out $20 ahead (almost paid our babysitter) and TJ won $300, not sure how much he put in. So needless to say, Shar was not impressed with her results. We then headed back into town to Dempsey's. They had a band playing. They weren't too good but it was still fun. Shortly after midnight we decided to call it a night. Party poopers, I know! Here's some pictures from our night on the town!
Shar & I having a jello shot
I had no problems, however, Shar had a hard time sucking the shot out of the glass!
Like Dean's sticker on his face? A little girl at Dempsey's gave it to him.

Jodi & TJ
Dean & I
Shar thought she'd be goofy and Jodi was goofy by accident.

So I made Dean take another picture. Then Jodi decided to be goofy on purpose!

So, of course, Dean had to take another picture. OK, no one's goofing off! But Shar didn't like Jodi's smile in this one so Dean had to take another one! (Dean was embarrassed to be taking pictures in the bar!)
Everyone looks good. Dean is not pleased about having to take so many photos, even though people all over in the bar were taking pictures, too.
I was just starting to get better with my sleeping habits and then I had to pull this. So I went to bed at 1 am and I was still awake at 3 am. Finally I fell asleep and woke up at 7:30 and couldn't fall back asleep!! I was tired yesterday and I had two tests to study for! Luckily I had studied the material a week earlier so that helped. We were all in bed at 9:00 last night!! I took a sleeping pill to hopefully make me fall asleep quicker. It still took at least an hour and I woke up at 1:30 thinking it must be time to get up!! Thankfully I fell back asleep until 6 and finally got up at 6:30. (I skipped my 8:00 class again. Oops! I just couldn't bring myself to set my alarm for 5:30 the night before because I was so tired. I hope I didn't miss another quiz. Didn't I just say last week that I wouldn't be skipping class anymore?!) I think it will be another early night tonight!!
2 Visitors:
I guess you needed to relieve a little stress. ;-) Missed an 8 o'clock again, huh? Not that I'm encouraging it, but, you're funny.
Actually I needed to relieve A LOT of stress! :) I'm going to try REAL hard not to miss any more 8:00 classes. I'll find out tomorrow if I missed a quiz. I'm so glad I can amuse you!
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